How to get children off-line and having fun
Gaming and social media addiction are relatively new buzz words but ones that send shock waves to many parents. Extreme cases where a 13 year-old who gets heart palpitations every time he stands up because he is unaccustomed to his body moving around and a 14 year-old with severe vitamin D deficiency because she hardly ever sees the sun because of her addition to social media, are still thankfully rare, but many families are seeing the internet play havoc with their children.
Although experts argue about the best way to tackle it, what is clear is that the internet is not going anywhere so parents are looking to find other ways to ignite their child’s imagination and create a happy and balanced life.
During the long six-week summer holiday, finding things to keep children entertained day in and day out is not easy, which is why many parents look to holiday clubs, so children can interactive with others, have fun and keep off technology.
Throughout the UK, Razzamataz Theatre Schools are offering fun and affordable summer schools where youngsters get to experience everything from street dance through to pop singing and traditional West End and Broadway musical theatre.
Performing arts has many benefits including increased fitness and a chance to allow young people to express themselves and work through any emotional difficulties.
There are almost 50 part-time Razzamataz schools up and down the country and there are a range of summer schools taking place for youngsters between the ages of 4 to 16.
Children and young people have a lot to cope with these days and it is understandable that some try and hide behind their screens
“The performing arts is a chance for children to improve their confidence, make new friends and have lots of fun,” explains Denise Hutton-Gosney, MD and Founder of Razzamataz. “Children and young people have a lot to cope with these days and it is understandable that some try and hide behind their screens. It is our hope that the arts can allow them to open up, feel proud of their achievements and form healthy relationships with their peer groups.”
During the week, children and their teachers will work on various songs, dances and drama pieces, together with learning about theatre skills in general. Many of the schools will select current films or West End shows that have been a hit with young people to give a real sense of excitement to the week. Being given the chance to perform is paramount to building a child’s confidence which is why on the last day, the children will all get the opportunity to perform their showcase to friends and family.
“The teachers and children will devise the scripts, work on the characters, learn songs and dances and prepare for the final day performance in front of family and friends. It is amazing what they achieve in just one week. The audience is always flabbergasted and it proves just what can be accomplished when children are engaged and having fun.”
Across the UK, Razzamataz is currently delivering classes to more than 5,200 children. To find out how to join them, and book on to your nearest Razzamataz Summer School, contact the school Principal directly to secure your place – just click here.
Early bird discounts apply.
Razzamataz is a franchise network that will be celebrating 20 years of business in 2020. Franchisees come from a range of backgrounds including former performers, teachers, mums returning to work and young graduates. As a brand, Razzamataz work with many leading players in the performing arts industry and can offer franchisees great contacts to help them grow their own schools.
To find out more about joining our team of Principals and the opportunities to take over existing schools in Hackney and Reading and the potential to purchase our Wimbledon school and territory, contact our Head of Recruitment Steve on E: [email protected] or call 07585 709 136.