Do you want to know what it is like to be part of the Razzamataz family?
Take a peak inside a day in the life of some of our Principals & Franchisee’s
Michael French, Principal of Razzamataz Barnet
Morning Routine
I get up usually around 7:15am when Mrs French gets up as she works in central London so she is up earlier than me. After breakfast I take our beautiful Brussels Griffon Gaston out for a walk, this must be done first otherwise nothing will get done! After our walk I usually plough through any new emails whilst thinking what I need to get done for the day. I love a podcast and this is usually done to BBC’s Wake up to Money podcast so I can hear what is going on in the world of business at the same time. Once this is done I usually go for a run/bike/swim to clear my mind with another podcast or audiobook. I am a keen triathlete and exercise is a big part of my life.
Work life
I combine being a Razzamataz Principal with my other business (football coaching company) as well as the odd acting day. My background is musical theatre, having been lucky enough to perform in professional shows for 12 years including West End and tours. Being a Razzamataz Principal means that I can pass on my performing arts passion and I love the joy our classes bring to the next generation. Also being the Razzamataz Future Fund Charity Ambassador often means I am training for something (my own choice!) to help raise money. I have worked hard to get a nice stream lined system running in both businesses to use my time to the maximum. Running one business was very time consuming, but following the Razzamataz methods, time management is getting better as we go. On the odd challenging day I will touch base with another Razz Principal or one of my staff to help me focus again and get everything back on track.
Early evening
Depending what time Mrs French is arriving home depends on what happens in the evening. As she is a casting director for a very large musical theatre company, she is often out at the theatre. I try to get to yoga Monday and Friday evening, otherwise I am a huge football fan and can often be found watching my team play (actually any team play!). Mrs French is a fantastic chef and is often in charge of the cooking duties. Gaston has also starting going to agility classes a few times a week so we are often running him around to practise, he absolutely loves it and we do too.
Wind down
I’ve recently started to not to look at emails in the evening and allow myself time to relax. It can be very easy to constantly respond and slowly sink into a bad habit, but now our parents know I won’t respond until the morning. We usually throw on some Netflix (Black Mirror, Stranger Things) or try and catch anything from The Apprentice, Bake Off, Strictly and the usual suspects. Around 9pm we take Gaston out for a short walk and then a little more TV before bed. We are usually in bed by 10:30pm, sometimes later due to theatre visits. As both our lives are quite ‘full on’ we are usually pretty tired in the evening and try to make the most of recharging our batteries.
Michael and his wife Felicity | Michael with some Razzamataz students on a photoshoot | Much-loved family dog, Gaston