Banish the boredom!

Banish the boredom!

Banish the boredom!

The school holidays seem to roll around very quickly, making it challenging for parents needing to juggle work or other commitments. The cost of days out are incredibly expensive and for most are not an option to do regularly. But thankfully, across the UK, there are opportunities to have fun with friends and try out a new activity.


There are approximately 60 Razzamataz Theatre Schools across the country with specialist performing arts teachers who know how to inspire children and young people. Whether it is recreating the songs, dancers and scenes of a sell-out West End musical theatre shows or learning street dance, pop singing and acting for camera, no experience is necessary for children and teenagers to join their local Razzamataz school and take part in their Easter workshops.



Five benefits of Razzamataz Easter Schools


1/ Safe – A secure, safe and happy place for children to express themselves. Parents know where they are, and children can explore ideas and interests. What’s more, it gives them the opportunity to learn something new, meet new friends, gain independence and make some special memories.


2/ Education – The duration of Easter school gives children the chance to expand their knowledge and spread their wings a little further. Whether they are new to performing arts or are quite experienced, teachers will know how to get the very best from each child and parents are often astonished by just how much they learn in a short space of time.


3/ Careers – we hope to inspire children with ideas and inspiration that will perhaps lead them on to make interesting career choices. It’s not just being on stage, performing arts is a huge sector with many fascinating jobs from being a teacher, through to making props and costumes, the options are endless.


4/ Confidence – in the age of technology, young people are finding it harder to make friends and confidently speak in public. Being used to communicating over social media means it is easy to feel shy and lack self-confidence when faced with real life situations. As adults, they will still be expected to attend interviews and communicate with people so we help them build confidence and self-esteem that they will need later on in life.


5/ Motivation – being able to show initiative and go the extra mile are life skills that will help young people achieve. Being part of Razzamataz will teach children many different life skills including how to stay motivated and the importance of self-improvement. All of this is done through games and having fun with the joy of working in a team and coming together being shown with a fantastic performance, giving the children and young people something to be truly proud of.


How to open a Razzamataz Theatre school

If you become part of our experienced and friendly network, you will receive full training, support and mentorship to understand how to profitably run Easter and Summer schools and support the young people in your community.


Want to join our team?

Razzamataz Theatre Schools offer employment to some circa 600 people either as teachers, assistants, or part of the admin team. There are plenty of opportunities to grow with many people starting out as work experience placements and progressing to assistant Principals or Principal roles.


Take your own first step to success

Join us NOW for a 2023 launch and make the most of the last few weeks before our fee increases to £12,995 plus VAT from April 2023.

Or ZERO upfront fee with a flat fee return, ask us about this!
Training starting Monday 15th May to Saturday 20th May for a September 2023 launch!

Contact us to secure your place on our next short informal virtual Discovery Dens

To book contact 07821 122242 or click here to book your place: