How to invest in a franchise 

Everything that you need to know about the best franchises to invest in. What is a franchise Walk along any UK high street, pick up any product or think of a service and chances are that they will be part of a successful franchise brand. A franchise is a business that gives the right to …

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Congratulations to all of The Stage scholarship winners

The world may have been put on hold but that hasn’t stopped children and young people dreaming of their futures. For those with a passion for performing arts, we are delighted to play a small part in helping to keep those dreams alive with a prestigious scholarship worth up to £855.   Over the last …

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Understanding changing consumer behaviour

Understanding changing consumer behaviour The pandemic has caused consumers to live differently, buy differently and think differently. It has also massively changed people’s priorities, which is why as a business we have learnt to adapt to their ever changing needs. Razzamataz Theatre Schools is a franchise network that places customers at the heart of all …

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Providing for the performers of the future

Providing for the performers of the future   Since the start of the pandemic, every industry has been badly affected. One of the most crippled by the lockdowns are the theatre and live events industries, which provide work for thousands of creatives. From hair and makeup, through to lighting, costume design and of course the …

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Why franchising provides new opportunities

As the UK slowly comes out of lockdown, a franchise theatre school is proving to be a popular investment. Many entrepreneurs are tempted by the idea of running their own business but are put off by the gamble that is involved. With a franchise, you enjoy the benefits of being your own boss but you …

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